En hilsen fra Australien

Vi har fået en hilsen fra Men’s Sheds, (Mænds Mødesteder), i Australien som tidligere har besøgt os ved Mænds Mødesteder Stevns.

Hvis i ønsker at læse mere om Men’s Sheds i Australien eller mailens afsender (Barry Golding) kan i læse mere på linket her:
Men’s Sheds, Australia (AMSA).

Vi viderebringer mailen i sin originale form herunder.

God læselyst 🙂


Mailen fra Australien:

Hi to shedders at Maends Modesteder Stevens

My apologies at your Annual Meeting, on 24 February which I determined from Danish to English using Google Translate.

I fondly remember my last visit to your Men’s Shed and am very pleased you are still doing some diverse and interesting things.

I see your pétanque rink under construction when I visited is actively used.

The book you gave me about the special geological K layer at Stevens has pride of place in my library.

We are so proud in Australia about what you and others have achieved taking the model developed here in Australia and making it truly Danish.

All the best during 2020. If any members of your Shed ever visit Victoria, Australia, please let me know and I will make you very welcome in this beautiful country on the other side of our fragile planet.

Best regards
(Professor ) Barry GoldingPatron, Australian Mens Shed Association

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